In keeping with the light feel of January (for me at this time of year all I crave is light and airy food that will take me to summerland!); we decided to go simple but yummy... a plain Caesar salad with real bacon bits n' pieces. The dressing alas was not made from scratch, but Paul Newman has become my new best friend!
I've been really trying to get into Salmon lately...it's tasty and good for you...and gives you another meat to work with! I've found that the Sobey's seafood counter does a decent job of carrying fresh seafood so that's where we found this tasty fella.
I marinated this piece in some white wine, soy sauce, and a wee bit of crushed garlic (mostly to try something different), then topped it with lemon pepper seasoning and fresh lemons and baked it for about 15 minutes.
Surprisingly the marinade did very little to add to the taste, so we had a lovely light lemony/peppery meal that we paired with steamed baby potatoes and asparagus.
For desert we had a frozen berry medley (as we'd run out of that yummy fresh fruit depicted in an earlier post), with yogurt in a small cup made out of white chocolate.
I found those little cups exploring the supermarket one day and stuck them in my freezer and completely forgot about them until I began scavenging my freezer this weekend. A simple tasty way to end the meal!!
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