Okay, so to understand why I was so excited over this creation you need to understand how frustrating it is to be allergic to wheat and always have to settled for dense, heavy, wheat & gluten free alternatives.
Out of desperation I finally decided there had to be a better way to eat bread and other baked goodies. So after much research, today I made a special flour blend that you can subsitute for wheat flour cup for cup. The special blend consists of Rice Flour, Potato Starch, Corn Starch, Quinoa Flour and Xanthan Gum.

I decided to try a recipe from my childhood that always made me super happy when my mom would make it...cinnamon loaf. I've been told it's similar to banana bread, but since I've never had the latter I'll have to take it on faith.
The result was amazing...it tasted exactly as I remembered, light and fluffy and cinnamony. The only thing I've ever made so far (subsituting out the wheat flour with another) that tastes EXACTLY the same! So yummy I could almost weep with joy! I can hardly wait to try more recipes...